The Program
What is meant by focused inquiry?
Focused inquiry begins with you bringing in a perspective of your current state–how your life is playing out, what is working, what isn’t and your related feelings. It is important to have a sense of where you are starting in the present moment. This is where the journey begins. From here you are supported in exploring your current state through a choice of filters. These include breath, sound, movement and words. A focus emerges from the initial session initiating a trajectory through 7 unique sessions that engage body, mind and spirit. The line of inquiry will be tailored to your individual journey as it unfolds into healing, discovery and reconnection.
What is Integrative bodywork?
The integrative bodywork spoken of here may include any combination of modalities that involve therapeutic touch as well as the opening of chakra and energy channels in the body. What makes it integrative is that by regularly checking in with you through the process a custom combination of modalities are blended with other healing work. Depending on what is is appropriate for the individual this work may also involve visualization, transformational imaging, movement and sounding work, journaling, dream work, therapeutic design and nutritional restructuring. Your individual journey and willingness will determine which modalities and healing work is most appropriate.
What is the process?
The process is to allow all parts of the being to be heard and received. It acknowledges the value of the body as a record of your life experience. The body simply does not lie. The story you live is documented in the body whose cellular structure reflects your history. While the mind edits this history and repackages it, your body holds it without judgement. Since your emotions, physical sensations, illnesses, thoughts and creations are all connected, the body is key to the healing journey. Therefore, parts of the body that carry your stories will be acknowledged in dialogue and as its appropriate with therapeutic forms of touch.
It is extremely challenging and very unlikely that any of us can objectively read ourselves. One of the greatest of our time, Carl Jung, confessed that even he needed someone to interpret his dreams. So the difficulty of working through a transformation process on our own is understandable. However, with attuned professional support our journey can deepen and expand, creating core shifts that allow us to experience life in new ways.
This is the journey to your more essential self and into the Dream that Names You.
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