
If you are discontent with your life and are willing to risk change; if you feel stuck and disconnected as if you are an actor or actress in your own life, you have come to the right place. When your body keeps manifesting pain, life offers you the opportunity to rediscover the Dream that Names You. If you are open to transformative work that involves the body, mind and spirit, this is for you.

What is the dream that named you~that continues to name you every day of your life, whose voice you now barely hear? Societal conditioning and the weight of life events can bury that dream. What if that weight could be released so you reconnect with the dream that names you~would you be interested?

What is the Dream that Names You?

It is the original energy you were born to express. Within this expression your body, mind and spirit aligns. In this alignment who you are at a core level and what flows from you creates a natural and fulfilling flow. With this consciousness, how you experience life shifts; and naturally others experience of you shifts as well. You move through life more like a free flowing river. The resistance you may have experienced in your previous operating state of consciousness loses its charge. Your perception of yourself, people and events takes on a more harmonious energy. And of course, talking about an experience can not give you the full sense of it. It must be tasted, smelled, heard, felt seen by you as it occurs in your body-mind-spirit, in other words, in your entire being.

What holds you back from experiencing the Dream that Names You?

As a necessary part of life on this planet, societal conditioning, and familial training set up a container or model through which you experience life. This model translates your experience and simultaneously limits it. As you move through life, you begin to categorize and judge your experiences based on this container or model. You collect a history of joys and hurts, hopes and fears based on this model. For a good part of your life you are unconscious of how the perspective you hold determines the quality of the experiences you are having.

We all live most of our lives from this place. Then one day we have a life shifting experience, be it the end of a relationship, the death of loved one, or a terminal diagnosis and we are catapulted out of our habitual perspective, out of our narrow view of life. This turning point begins an inquiry process, a quest for a greater level of freedom, a deeper experience of what is essential.

What frees you to connect with the Dream that Names You?

Your body offers a pathway to the type of healing necessary to reconnect with the essential self that your dream represents. With support you can uncover what is unconsciously held in the body that blocks your dream. Through focused inquiry and integrative bodywork these unconscious blocks can be explored and expressed in a safe environment. This opens the opportunity for more conscious choices and greater freedom. The experience of this freedom can unfold in a number of ways. It can clarify and strengthen relationships with yourself and others. Also by discovering the outdated patterns–the false energy systems your body holds–you gain an awareness that invites them part to fall away. As what no longer serves falls away, room for what can serve becomes available allowing you to begin engaging with what is in alignment with the core energy of your essential self.

Now you are on the path to the Dream that Names You.

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