About Debra
Debra K. McCall, BS, MS, is a licensed massage therapist, NCIDQ certified designer, and therapeutic chef.
She is the author of ‘Poetry the Body Knows’, a book on conscious transformation which offers user friendly exercises called roadmaps that invite the reader on a journey of embodied healing.
Debra lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma where she has been actively involved with the leadership of an ITP–Integral Transformative Practice Group–since 2005.
Since 2002, she has immersed herself in a wide range of healing modalities that support the holistic evolution of the integral being. In her studies she has been privileged to sit under several teachers at the leading edge of consciousness and/or under their lineage holders including George Leonard & Michael Murphy, Brugh Joy, M.D., Mike Boxall, Aminah Raheem, Ph.D, Keith Salmon, Ph.D., Marion Woodman, and Zuza Engler, Ph.D. Their respective fields of work include integral transformative theory and practice; heart-centered individuation with energetic and Jungian filters; awakening presence through a cranial sacral layer that allows the client to be heard and held; soul acupressure; intuitive unwinding involving sound and movement called, Songs the Body Knows; Jungian individuation and integration supported by authentic movement, breath and dream work; Embodied Inquiry: Soul Motion and Gestalt Practice.